2022 marked the third year of our SD-themed communication campaign “Sustainability We All Count”. Our first campaign was launched in 2020 with the aim of raising SD awareness amongst Swire Properties employees and stakeholders. In 2021, our second campaign highlighted our commitment to the Business Ambition to 1.5°C, featuring “1.5°C” as our key statement, to echo the ramp up of our SBTs in alignment with the 1.5°C decarbonisation pathway.
This year, we pooled our efforts together and continued the campaign, empowering our employees, tenants, customers, suppliers and the public to work together in pursuit of our ambitious 1.5°C goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

“Sustainability We All Count” 3.0

In February 2022, our “Sustainability We All Count” SD-themed communication campaign returned for its third iteration with a new theme: “Fighting Climate Change, Together We Can”.
The campaign highlighted our pioneering SD initiatives and community engagement programmes via offline and online channels, both internal and external, aiming to encourage our employees, tenants, key stakeholders and the general public to take action in pursuit of our ambitious 1.5°C goal.
As in previous years, the campaign featured “1.5°C” as the key element, with the enduring characters from the initial 2020 campaign drawing attention to the need to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century.
Posters were displayed in office buildings, malls, lift lobbies and on social media channels to reinforce the message, while frontline employees continued to wear “1.5°C” pins to sustain public awareness.
Numerous events supporting the campaign were held during the year, such as a series of public eco-workshops with hands-on interactive activities, co-hosted at Blueprint, that focused on sustainable lifestyle elements; and a number of staff activities and celebrations that commemorated the hard work employees put into making the campaign a success, including customised posters and a “Together We Can” SD Character Contest, asking colleagues to recreate one of the SD characters from the campaign and give it their own creative twist by upcycling used materials.

SD 2030 e-Learning Module

Covering all basic aspects of our SD 2030 Strategy and relevant ESG topics, this comprehensive new SD e-learning module will become part of the intake process for new staff and will be provided as refresher training to existing staff. It will include videos from Company leaders, case studies and an entertaining “SD Dictionary” introducing SD buzzwords in a lively manner. The module, currently in the final stages of development, will be launched in early 2023.

Swire Properties
Sustainability Report 2023
is released.

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