About This Report
GRI 2-1, 2-3, 2-6
This report is the 15th sustainable development (“SD”) report of Swire Properties Limited (“Swire Properties” or “the Company”). The report covers the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 and focuses on Swire Properties’ businesses, joint ventures and subsidiaries in property investment, property trading and hotel investment, where the Company has operational control. The report includes details of our SD vision and progress on the implementation of our SD 2030 Strategy during the past year. This report was published online in April of 2023.


Materiality is defined as any factor that has a present or future impact on our ability to achieve our SD vision.

Reporting Boundary

The scale of our operations, the complexity of our business and our various economic, environmental and social impacts.

ESG Reporting Standards and Principles

This report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option and with reference to the GRI G4 Construction and Real Estate Sector Disclosures. We have been reporting on our SD performance annually against GRI since 2007.
We have also prepared this report disclosing all HKEX mandatory disclosure requirements and “comply or explain” provisions set out in the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“HKEX ESG Reporting Guide”) contained in Appendix 27 to The Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for the year ended 31 December 2022.
In 2022, we began mapping our climate disclosures to the recommendations of the International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) Exposure Draft IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures. Please see the content index.
To define the content of this report and to ensure the quality of the information presented therein, we have made reference to the GRI’s Reporting Principles and followed the HKEX ESG Reporting Guide. These include:
We conduct regular materiality assessments and stakeholder engagements to identify material issues related to sustainability, and to ensure these issues are properly addressed by our SD 2030 Strategy.

Please refer to Materiality for more information.
The notes accompanying our Performance Data Summary provide information about the standards and methodologies used to calculate data, where appropriate.
We report both the positive and negative impacts of our performance in a transparent manner to enable a reasoned and unbiased assessment of our overall performance.
To facilitate comparability over time, we maintain consistency in the use of reporting standards and principles, the methods used to calculate data, structure of the report, and the explanations of methods and assumptions used to prepare information. We will also provide explanations to facilitate information interpretation when changes occur.

Swire Properties
Sustainability Report 2023
is released.

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