Creating an Industry-leading Work Environment for our Employees

Our employees receive competitive remuneration packages with a variety of benefits. In Hong Kong, these packages include medical care, retirement schemes and discretionary bonuses, while in the Chinese Mainland, in addition to social insurance and housing funds, employees are provided with medical care and discretionary bonuses.
Swire Properties strives to ensure that every employee receives regular, objective, fair and open assessments of their performance and is rewarded accordingly with merit-based incentives. We have a Performance and Development Review (“PDR”) system in place to streamline our assessment processes and ensure consistency across the Company. Our office employees align their annual performance goals with each SD Pillar.
In 2021, we identified a job evaluation platform and completed the job evaluation process – a key building block of Swire Properties’ new Rewards Philosophy, which is designed to ensure that our employees receive fair pay internally and a competitive salary within the industry. The project began in 2022, with the development of the Rewards Philosophy framework scheduled for completion by Q4 of 2023.
Our employer branding communication strategy, launched in 2020, ensures that we continue to attract and retain talent. Our 2025 KPIs contain targets relating to talent attraction and retention which will support our long-term plan of being identified as a “preferred employer” by 2030.
Since 2020, we have taken a blended approach to onboarding interns and trainees. While traditional in-person visits to our portfolios still take place, some orientation is now conducted online via our internal learning platform.
This platform has become part of our regular onboarding practices. New joiners may access the platform at any time to familiarise themselves with the Company by reading articles, completing quizzes and watching videos of department representatives sharing their experiences. This popular and efficient approach cuts down on the manpower involved in the orientation process and serves as a blueprint for future recruits, regardless of their onboarding date or location.

Total New Hires, by region

Hong Kong
Chinese Mainland
Miami, U.S.A.

Swire Properties Wins Randstad Most Attractive Employer Award 2022

Swire Properties was recognised as "Hong Kong’s Most Attractive Employer” at the Randstad Employer Brand Awards 2022, underscoring the Company’s commitment to investing in our people to create an open, inclusive and rewarding workplace environment with an emphasis on gender equality and diversity. This is the second time Swire Properties has placed first – the other time was in 2020. We have consistently been ranked in the top 10 since 2017.
The awards rank the employer attractiveness of Hong Kong’s 75 largest commercial companies and institutions that are known by at least 10% of the local population. This year’s awards saw companies rated on their relative employer brand awareness and attractiveness by more than 3,000 local respondents.

Delivering on our Employee Value Proposition

Last year, Swire Properties developed employer branding guidelines to recognise, strengthen and support the reputation and reality that the Company is a great place to work.
Our reputation as a respected and valued employer – our employee value proposition (“EVP”) – is defined by four core themes which reinforce our position as a modern, forward-looking, creatively-focused company that is proud of the mutual respect and trust between employer and employees. These themes are:
  • Building Trust through adherence to impeccable professional and ethical standards, and a rigorous, respectful internal culture.
  • Building Pride in the quality of our projects, and the imagination, invention and openness to new ideas that deliver ingenious and inspiring solutions.
  • Building Futures because long-term thinking is central to our commercial ethos, not only in the responsible, sustainable legacy we leave for future generations, but in the lasting and wide-ranging development of our staff.
  • Building Communities by transforming the places where people live, work, stay and play to best effect.
This EVP is part of our wider Employer Brand story – that the combined skill, imagination and creativity of everyone at Swire Properties has enabled us to transform the places where we operate, create new and thriving communities and redefine our proactive responsibility for a sustainable future. The purpose of the story is to inspire enduring creativity and, as such, each employee deserves our respect and the ability to enjoy targeted opportunities to enhance their skills and celebrate working together.

Swire Properties
Sustainability Report 2023
is released.

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