Swire Properties’ commitment to zero harm obligates us to work towards fostering a culture of health and safety with all our partners. Beyond day-to-day operations and the management of existing properties, this culture also applies to our projects under development and all related construction sites. In 2021, we enhanced the collection and public reporting of health and safety-related metrics and incident reports from our contractors. This new approach allows us to track performance and enables us to work with our partners to develop strategies that improve health and safety performance on-site, ensuring that all our construction sites continue to be safe places to work. We have established an ambitious internal construction accident rate target that well exceeds the industry average to guide our efforts in this area.

Number of fatalities of contractor workers

A contractor fatality is a loss of life of a contractor or subcontractor employee as a result of an incident occurring when the contractor or subcontractor employees are conducting work for our company.

Lost time injury rate (LTIR) of contractor workers of Hong Kong development projects

Lost time injury rate (“LTIR”) represents the number of injuries per 100 contractor workers per year. It is calculated as "total number of injuries multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 contractor workers, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.

Using Technology to Improve Construction Site Safety