In 2021, we delivered approximately 26,650 OHS training hours, an increase of 11.6% compared to 2020. The training covered a range of OHS topics, including slip, trip and fall prevention, fire prevention, working at heights, and heatstroke awareness.
We also designed an e-learning platform for senior management to receive compulsory OHS training. This platform was launched in March 2019 and achieved a 100% completion rate. In 2020, we expanded this e-learning platform to include all frontline and office employees, and in 2021, 100% of our employees received this training. This compulsory programme was designed for all our employees across all business units, aiming to enhance health and safety knowledge, promote greater understanding of the Company’s existing health and safety practices, and foster a strong health and safety culture.
In the Chinese Mainland, we continued to provide training for our senior management and line managers focusing on communicating safety priorities and demonstrating leadership on OHS issues throughout 2021. We conducted emergency response drills covering security management, crowd management and facilities management, which aimed to improve our emergency response capabilities across our Chinese Mainland portfolio. We also organised hazard identification and fire safety quiz activities to reinforce training and boost engagement. Additionally, we introduced a training programme that uses VR technology to simulate health and safety hazards and scenarios, allowing our employees to practice how to respond in the case of a real emergency.