Talent Attraction
Employer Branding
2025 KPI
- Improve employee Net Promoter Score by 10%3
Progress Updates in 2021
- We measured this indicator in our 2020 People Engagement Survey and will conduct regular pulse surveys to gauge its improvement. Our Talent Management subgroup is developing strategies to improve performance in this area.
Talent Management
Learning and Development
2025 KPI
- A 25% increase in training hours per employee per year4
Progress Updates in 2021
- Delivered approximately 164000 training hours in 2021, an average of 26.4 training hours per employee. This is an increase of 116% compared to our 2016 baseline year.
2025 KPI
- Achieve an employee engagement index rating of 90% or above
- Improve employee turnover rate by 5.5%5
Progress Updates in 2021
- The results of our 2020 People’s Engagement Survey recorded an 88% employee engagement index rating.
- The turnover rate in 2021 was 23.3% and has improved by 1.2% compared to our 2018 baseline year.
Occupational Health and Safety
2025 KPI
- Maintain a lost time injury rate (“LTIR”) at or below 1.2 for non-hotel operations; and at or below 2.0 for hotel operations
- Maintain zero work-related fatalities and zero serious incidents6 for employees
Progress Updates in 2021
- LTIR of 0.67 for Swire Properties’ non-hotel operations and an LTIR of 1.55 for Swire Properties’ hotel operations.
- Maintained zero serious incidents and zero work-related fatalities.
Diversity and Inclusion
Policy, Strategy and Governance
2025 KPI
- Maintain a gender balance in senior management
- Maintain gender pay ratio at 1:1
Progress Updates in 2021
- 49% of senior management positions held by women.
- The gender pay ratio in 2021 is 1 : 1.07 (female to male).
3 | Compared to the baseline year of 2020. |
4 | Compared to the baseline year of 2016 |
5 | Compared to the baseline year of 2018. |
6 | Defined in the Swire Pacific Fatal and Serious Incident Reporting Policy, a serious incident is a life-threatening or life-altering injury (that results in permanent disablement or causes a permanent change to the employee’s daily life) arising from an incident which is directly connected with the operations. |