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GRI 306
HKEX Aspect A1, A2, A3, KPI A1.6, A3.1

In 2017, we adopted a Waste Management Policy to guide our approaches to reducing waste, from the design and construction phases of our projects to the daily operation and management of our buildings.

Reducing Waste by Identifying Impacts and Setting Ambitious Targets

In accordance with our Waste Management Policy, we aim to identify the impacts of waste disposal from our business activities, set targets to continually improve our waste management performance and incorporate waste prevention considerations into our procurement processes. We also encourage our employees, tenants, suppliers and others with whom we do business to minimise waste and work closely with our tenants on waste reduction and recycling initiatives.

Waste Diversion Rates

Commercial Waste Diversion Rate
Hong Kong portfolio
Commercial Waste Recycling Rate
Mainland China portfolio
Total Amount of Waste Recycled
0 tonnes
Hong Kong portfolio
0 tonnes
Mainland China portfolio

We track and collect data on more than 20 types of waste produced by our office and retail tenants, hotel guests and occupants of our residences. We strive to understand the downstream processes of each waste stream and work closely with recycling partners to provide secured outlets for the recyclables we collect.

Our waste management taskforces in Hong Kong and Mainland China, made up of representatives from our technical services and sustainable development department, portfolio management teams and hotels, meet regularly to evaluate our waste management strategy, analyse waste data and facilitate new initiatives.

In 2019, compulsory garbage sorting was introduced by the local government in Shanghai and other major cities in Mainland China followed by closer monitoring of waste separation. We worked with our tenants in Mainland China to prepare for these changes in a number of ways, such as adding new recycling bins.

Making the “Waste Less” Concept More Visible
In addition to on-going efforts to reduce and recycle waste, our hotels and portfolios have developed several new initiatives to raise environmental awareness among our employees, guests and the public.
Working to Reduce and Recycle Single-use Plastic Items
In 2019, we participated in and initiated a number of campaigns and activities to raise public awareness about plastic recycling and promote reducing single-use plastics.
Food Waste Initiatives
Since 2005, we have been working with our hotels, restaurants and tenants to deepen our food waste reduction and recycling efforts.
Making the “Waste Less” Concept More Visible
In addition to on-going efforts to reduce and recycle waste, our hotels and portfolios have developed several new initiatives to raise environmental awareness among our employees, guests and the public.
Working to Reduce and Recycle Single-use Plastic Items
In 2019, we participated in and initiated a number of campaigns and activities to raise public awareness about plastic recycling and promote reducing single-use plastics.

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