Our SD governance framework builds on our strong foundations of good corporate governance and high ethical standards.
Our SD 2030 Strategy seeks to reinforce these foundations by integrating economic, social, and environmental considerations into all levels of our business decision making processes.
Our Sustainable Development Policy (“SD Policy”) was first published in 2008 and has guided the Company’s operations for more than a decade. It reflects our belief that long-term value creation depends on the sustainable development of our business, our supply chain and the communities in which we operate. These factors are always considered during the inception, design, construction, occupation, and demolition phases of our development projects.
The SD Policy explicitly states that the Company will be a good steward of natural resources and biodiversity within our influence and that we will ensure that all potentially adverse impacts of our operations are identified and managed appropriately.
With respect to the environment, our basic approach follows the precautionary principle2 which states that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty is not a valid reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.
We strive to operate in a manner that safeguards the health and safety of all of the people with whom we work. We also strive to be an employer of choice by providing a working environment in which all employees are treated fairly and with respect so that they can realise their full potential.
2The precautionary approach is referred to in Principle 15 of The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
Our SD Policy is supported by the following related policies that focus on specific environmental and social impacts: