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2019 Progress

Our People Working Group comprises 19 representatives from different functions within the Company. Its primary responsibility is to achieve progress in the five focus areas of the People Pillar, namely, Talent Attraction, Talent Retention, Safety, Health and Wellbeing, Diversity and Inclusion, and Volunteering.

In 2019, we continued to make significant progress towards achieving our 2020 KPIs. Our progress is summarised in the table below.

Talent Attraction
Talent Attraction
Employer Branding
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Refine communication strategy for employer branding
Progress Updates in 2019
A new online communication strategy for employer branding was developed based on the results of the employer branding review conducted in 2018 and is being rolled out in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
Compensation and Benefits
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Conduct compensation and benefits review
Progress Updates in 2019
Completed an annual remuneration survey of our properties in Mainland China. We plan to kick-start the review in 2020.
Recruitment Process
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Introduce new digitalised recruitment platform
Progress Updates in 2019
A career application website was developed for Mainland China which allows candidates to apply for roles online.
Talent Retention
Talent Retention
Learning and Development
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
0% increase in training hours per employee per year3
Progress Updates in 2019
Delivered more than 169,000 training hours in 2019, an average of 26.2 training hours per employee, representing an increase of 0% compared to 2016.
Performance Development Review (“PDR”)
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Incorporate elements of SD 2030 Strategy into annual performance goals and PDR for all employees
Progress Updates in 2019
This year, our office employees were asked to set their annual performance goals to align with each SD Pillar.
Incentive Structure
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Conduct incentive structure review
Progress Updates in 2019
We plan to kick-start the review in 2020.
Safety, Health & Wellbeing
Safety, Health & Wellbeing
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Increase total occupational health and safety (“OHS”) training hours by 0% 4
Progress Updates in 2019
Delivered approximately 28,600 OHS training hours, representing an increase of 0% compared to 2015. We also launched an internal Health and Safety Awards Scheme.
2020 KPI
Conduct compulsory OHS training via e-learning platform for all of our employees
Progress Updates in 2019
Launched an e-learning platform for senior management to receive compulsory OHS training, with a completion rate of 0% . We are working to expand this digital platform to frontline and office employees in 2020.
2020 KPI
Maintain Lost Time Injury Rate (“LTIR”)5 below 0.0
Progress Updates in 2019
LTIR of 0.00 .
2020 KPI
Maintain record of zero work-related fatalities
Progress Updates in 2019
Maintained zero work-related fatalities.
2020 KPI
Migrate OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001 standard in Hong Kong and Mainland China6 portfolios
Progress Updates in 2019
Migrated our safety management systems in Hong Kong to ISO 45001:2018 standard. Four properties in Mainland China began preparing documents required by the ISO 45001:2018 standard.
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Conduct employee engagement survey for all employees
Progress Updates in 2019
We plan to launch this survey in early 2020.
2020 KPI
Implement employee assistance programme in all Mainland China7 offices
Progress Updates in 2019
Maintained our previously implemented employee assistance programme for office and frontline employees.
Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellbeing-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Develop a health and wellbeing policy framework
Progress Updates in 2019
Maintained a wellness programme for employees in our Hong Kong and Mainland China portfolios, including a sponsorship fund in Hong Kong providing financial support for employees to organise internal sports clubs and other interest clubs.
Health and Wellbeing-0
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion
Policy, Strategy and Governance
Policy, Strategy and Governance-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Adopt a diversity and inclusion (“D&I”) Policy
Progress Updates in 2019
D&I Policy already adopted.
2020 KPI
Establish a D&I committee
Progress Updates in 2019
D&I Committee has been established and continues to work on implementing the D&I Policy and related initiatives.
2020 KPI
Introduce a formal employee grievance policy
Policy, Strategy and Governance-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Conduct D&I awareness training for our senior management
Progress Updates in 2019
D&I awareness training was conducted for our senior management.
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Public disclosure of data on gender, age, job level, pay and ethnicity
Progress Updates in 2019
Data on gender, age, job level, and pay for 2019 is disclosed in the Performance Data Summary
Working Environment
Working Environment-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Develop “flexible working policy” and guidelines
Progress Updates in 2019
Launched the Flexible Working Policy, the first phase of which is the implementation of the staggered working hours initiative.
Working Environment-0
Community Ambassador Programme
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
0% increase in volunteer service hours (>9,300 hours)8
Progress Updates in 2019
Our Community Ambassadors in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Miami, U.S.A. contributed more than 0 volunteer service hours.
2020 KPI
Introduce Community Ambassador Programme in employee induction
Progress Updates in 2019
Since 2017, our basic induction training for new hires in Beijing and Hong Kong includes an introduction to the Community Ambassador Programme.
Community Caring Fund
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Increase the number of nominated programmes from employees by 0% 9
Progress Updates in 2019
We received 26 nominations from employees and funded 15 projects. The number of nominations represents an increase of 0% compared to 2016.
3Compared to the baseline year of 2016.
4Compared to the baseline year of 2015.
5LTIR represents the number of injuries per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as multiplying the total number of injuries by 200,000 and then dividing the product by the total number of hours worked. The factor 200,000 is the annual number of hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
6Non-joint venture centres (i.e. Taikoo Hui and Taikoo Li Sanlitun) only.
7Non-joint venture centres (i.e. Taikoo Hui and Taikoo Li Sanlitun) only.
8Compared to the baseline year of 2016.
9Compared to the baseline year of 2016.

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