Driving Hong Kong Towards Net Zero Carbon in Partnership with the HKGBC
Swire Properties was the principal partner of Hong Kong’s first “Advancing Net Zero Ideas Competition”, presented by the Hong Kong Green Building Council (“HKGBC”). Supporting the World Green Building Council’s global Advancing Net Zero project and the Hong Kong government’s target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, the competition encouraged entries from around the world for designs that will bring positive change to the built environment and beyond.
We provided detailed building operation data collected from two of our green buildings at Taikoo Place – One Taikoo Place and Oxford House – to participants. This enabled the competition teams to conduct in-depth analysis of actual buildings in order to develop realistic, innovative solutions to help high-rise, high-density cities like Hong Kong achieve net-zero carbon. Our employees were also represented on the competition’s organising committee, technical committee and jury panel.
The competition received 22 team entries from a total of 58 organisations and companies, all of which were of a very high standard. Of the many inspiring and avant-garde concepts, the jury selected three winners and five merit awards in the Future Building and Existing Building categories.
The winning and merit entries were showcased at a public exhibition held in December 2021 at Taikoo Place’s Lincoln House Linkbridge and in an e-book hosted on the HKGBC website.
As part of our broader efforts to motivate the industry to support net-zero emissions, we participated in the “Advancing Net Zero Webinar Series”, also organised by the HKGBC. We shared insights on our 1.5°C-aligned carbon reduction strategy, technological innovations, as well as our embodied carbon management methods.
We were also invited to speak at the HKGBC’s “International Conference on Advancing Net Zero” in November 2021. At the conference, Tim Blackburn, our Chief Executive, took part in an expert panel discussion, sharing the Company’s leadership experience in driving the net-zero transition. In addition, our colleagues presented case studies about Swire Properties’ science-based targets and net-zero strategy across our global portfolio, as well as our pioneering energy management work at Taikoo Li Sanlitun.
We were also honoured to have our decarbonisation efforts featured in the World Green Building Council’s Building to COP26 Thought Leadership Series, which promoted collaboration for climate action ahead of COP26, held in Glasgow in November 2021.
We strive to provide guidance and leadership for the property sector in Hong Kong, throughout Asia Pacific and on a global level by sharing our experience and expertise. We also promote the importance of and demonstrate our commitment to sustainability at numerous conferences and seminars in Hong Kong and beyond – sharing our vision in the hope of inspiring other corporations to achieve their sustainability goals. In 2021, we delivered presentations at various conferences and seminars including:
- “The Future of People Management: ESG As a Workforce Strategy”, organised by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
- “Sustainable Procurement for New Building Development and Interior Renovation” webinar, organised by the Hong Kong Green Building Council
- “Heading to the 2060 Carbon Neutrality Goal, the Pathway and Opportunity for the Real Estate Industry” Forum and Award Ceremony in Shanghai, organised by the US Green Building Council
- “CEO Talk: BUILDING a Green Future” virtual talk, organised by the Alliance for Green Commercial Banks, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority and the International Finance Corporation
- “HKGBC Session – Rethinking Built Spaces at ReThink HK 2021”, organised by ReThink Hong Kong
- “Eco Asia Conference: Towards Material Circularity in Hong Kong”, organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the Environmental Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
- “ULI Asia Pacific REImagine – Industry Leaders Response Panel on Decarbonisation”, organised by the Urban Land Institute
- “Driving Shared Values Through Effective ESG Reporting Webinar”, organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants