Talent Attraction
Employer Branding
2025 KPI
- Improve employee Net Promoter Score by 10%38
Talent Management
Learning and Development
2025 KPI
- A 25% increase in training hours per employee per year39
2025 KPI
- Achieve an employee engagement index rating at 90% or above
- Improve turnover rate by 5.5%40
Occupational Health and Safety
2025 KPI
- Maintain a LTIR at or below 1.2 for non-hotels operations; and at or below 2.0 for Hotels operations
- Maintain zero work-related fatalities and zero serious incidents41 for employees
2030 KPI
- Maintain zero work-related fatalities and zero serious incidents41 for employees and contractors
Diversity and Inclusion
Policy, Strategy and Governance
2025 KPI
- Maintain a gender balance in senior management
- Maintain gender pay ratio at 1:1
2030 KPI
- Maintain a gender balance in senior management
- Maintain gender pay ratio at 1:1
38 | Compared to the 2020 baseline. |
39 | Compared to the 2016 baseline. |
40 | Compared to the 2018 baseline. |
41 | Defined in the Swire Pacific Fatal and Serious Incident Reporting Policy, a serious incident is a life-threatening or life-altering injury (that results in permanent disablement or causes a permanent change to the employee’s daily life) arising from an incident which is directly connected with the operations. |