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2019 Progress

Our Performance (Environment) Working Group, which comprises 33 members from different functions within the Company, has developed key performance indicators for seven environmental and resource management focus areas.

In 2019, we continued to make progress towards achieving our 2020 KPIs. Our progress is summarised in the table below.

Climate Change
Climate Change
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Establish a climate change policy
Progress Updates in 2019
Climate Change Policy has been already established.
Our science-based targets (“SBTs”) were officially approved, making us the first real estate developer from Hong Kong and Mainland China to establish long-term decarbonisation goals in line with the Paris Agreement.
2020 KPI
Conduct climate risk assessments for all portfolios
Progress Updates in 2019
Undertaking detailed risk and resilience assessments at the asset level to evaluate the potential effects of the identified climate risks and to develop a targeted action plan to mitigate risks and build resilience across our portfolios.
Continued to publish climate-related financial disclosures with reference to the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”).
Carbon Management and Accounting
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Establish a comprehensive carbon accounting framework for reporting and management purposes
Progress Updates in 2019
Completed the assessment of our Scope 3 emissions13 and established SBTs to manage the most significant sources of our Scope 3 emissions.
2020 KPI
Complete pilot study to measure carbon emissions from construction activities and embodied carbon from major construction materials used in One Taikoo Place.
Progress Updates in 2019
Study completed, and the results used to develop SBTs to manage embodied carbon for new development projects. A carbon accounting tool has also been developed and will be adopted by other development projects, where appropriate.
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Reduction of carbon intensity14
(tonnes of CO2e/m2):
Hong Kong portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0%
Mainland China portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0%
Progress Updates in 2019
Reduction of carbon intensity
(tonnes of CO2e/m2):
Hong Kong portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0%
Mainland China portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0.0%
Energy Reduction
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Reduction of energy consumption15
Hong Kong portfolio16
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0%
↓64 million kWh/year
Mainland China portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0%
↓23 million kWh/year
Progress Updates in 2019
Reduction of energy consumption
Hong Kong portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0.0%
↓62.7 million kWh/year
Mainland China portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0.0%
↓23.2 million kWh/year
2020 KPI
Reduction of natural gas consumption17
Mainland China portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0%
↓1.5 million m3/year
Progress Updates in 2019
Reduction of natural gas consumption
Mainland China portfolio
/2019/images/icons/decline.svg 0.0%
↓1.6 million m3/year
Progress Updates in 2019
Continued to implement energy-saving measures throughout our Hong Kong and Mainland China portfolios and hotels.
Renewable Energy
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Generate 2 to 0% of landlord’s building energy from renewable energy sources in selected new office developments
Progress Updates in 2019
Estimated that approximately 0% of landlord’s building energy is supplied from renewable sources at One Taikoo Place.
Progress Updates in 2019
Starting from October 2019, the renewable energy generated by One Taikoo Place’s solar PV system is supplied back to the electric grid in accordance with the feed-in tariff scheme approved by Hong Kong Electric Company (“HK Electric”).
Smart Energy System
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Implement pilot energy management automation projects at four properties (two in Hong Kong, two in Mainland China)
Progress Updates in 2019
We initiated a pilot cloud-based smart energy management platform at Cityplaza in Hong Kong, INDIGO in Beijing and Taikoo Hui in Guangzhou.
2020 KPI
Adopt facility management electronic databases in all investment portfolios
Progress Updates in 2019
We plan to roll out a facility management platform for fit-out projects at Cityplaza mall. Upon the result of this pilot, we will evaluate the adoption for other retail portfolios.
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Establish a waste management policy
Progress Updates in 2019
To complement our Waste Management Policy adopted in 2017, we are developing communication packages to enhance tenant awareness and providing advice and support through tenant meetings and training sessions.
Waste Diversion
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Waste diversion rates from landfills:
Hong Kong portfolio (including hotels)
0% of commercial waste
Progress Updates in 2019
Waste diversion rates from landfills:
Hong Kong portfolio (including hotels)
0.0% of commercial waste
2020 KPI
Hong Kong (projects under development)
0% of demolition waste
0% of construction waste
Progress Updates in 2019
Hong Kong (projects under development)
0% of demolition waste at Two Taikoo Place;
0% of demolition waste at 21-31 Wing Fung Street, Wan Chai;
0% of demolition waste at 46-56 Queen's Road East, 1A-11 Landale Street and 2A-12 Anton Street
0% of construction waste at One Taikoo Place
0% of construction waste at South Island Place
2020 KPI
Mainland China (projects under development)
0% of total waste18
Progress Updates in 2019
Mainland China (projects under development)
To be reported in 2020 after the expected completion of Taikoo Li Qiantan, a joint venture project.
2020 KPI
Waste recycling rate:
Mainland China portfolio (including hotels)
0% of commercial waste
Progress Updates in 2019
Waste recycling rate:
Mainland China portfolio (including hotels)
0.0% of commercial waste
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Establish a water management policy
Progress Updates in 2019
Adopted a new Water Policy in 2019.
Risk Assessment
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Complete water risk assessment
Progress Updates in 2019
Assessments for all operations in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Miami, U.S.A. have been completed.
Water Reduction
Water Reduction-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Reduction of water intensity19:
Hong Kong portfolio
Mainland China portfolio
(m3/guest night)
Progress Updates in 2019
Reduction of water intensity:
Hong Kong portfolio
Mainland China portfolio
(m3/guest night)
Water Reduction-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Establish a biodiversity policy
Progress Updates in 2019
Adopted a new Biodiversity Policy.
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Establish guidelines to integrate biodiversity considerations into new developments
Progress Updates in 2019
We engaged a consultant to conduct an urban biodiversity study of the Taikoo Place Redevelopment Project. This study will be completed in 2020 and its results will help establish guidelines for our new development projects.
Occupant Wellbeing
Occupant Wellbeing
Indoor Air Quality (“IAQ”)
Indoor Air Quality (“IAQ”)-0
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
For common areas, 0% of buildings in our Hong Kong portfolio achieve IAQ Excellent Class
Progress Updates in 2019
For common areas, approximately 0% of buildings in our Hong Kong portfolio achieved IAQ Certification Scheme Excellent Class.
2020 KPI
0% of buildings in our Mainland China portfolio fulfil local IAQ standard
Progress Updates in 2019
Approximately 0% of buildings in our Mainland China portfolio fulfilled the local IAQ standard.
2020 KPI
Conduct research to reduce indoor PM2.5 concentrations
Progress Updates in 2019
Completed measurements of indoor PM2.5 concentrations in selected hot spots and consolidated air filtration system information in our Hong Kong and Mainland China portfolios.
2020 KPI
Conduct occupant wellbeing surveys for office, retail and hotels
Progress Updates in 2019
A survey will be conducted for Taikoo Place in 2020.
Indoor Air Quality (“IAQ”)-0
Building/Asset Investments
Building/Asset Investments
Environmental Building Assessment Schemes20
Environmental Building Assessment Schemes<sup>20</sup>-0Environmental Building Assessment Schemes<sup>20</sup>-1
2020 KPI
Progress Updates in 2019
2020 KPI
Target the highest environmental building assessment scheme rating for all projects under development21
    Progress Updates in 2019
    0% of projects under development achieved the highest ratings.
      Progress Updates in 2019
      Hong Kong portfolio
      • One Taikoo Place achieved Final Platinum under WELL Core and Shell Version 1, the first commercial building in Asia to do so.
      • Two Taikoo Place achieved Provisional Platinum under BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 1.2 and Platinum Precertification under WELL Core and Shell Version 1.
      • South Island Place achieved Final Platinum under BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 1.2.
      Progress Updates in 2019
      Mainland China portfolio
      • INDIGO mall, ONE INDIGO and EAST, Beijing achieved Final Platinum under LEED Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Version 4.1, the first mixed-use development in the world to do so.
      • Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu achieved Final Platinum under LEED Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance Version 4.1.
      • Taikoo Li Qiantan achieved Precertification Platinum under WELL Core and Shell Version 1 and Precertification Gold under LEED for Building Design and Construction: Core and Shell Development Version 2009.
      Environmental Building Assessment Schemes<sup>20</sup>-0Environmental Building Assessment Schemes<sup>20</sup>-1
      13The GHG Protocol defines emissions as Scope 1, 2 or 3. Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by Swire Properties, such as emissions from natural gas, diesel and town gas burned onsite.
      Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions from the generation of purchased or acquired electricity, steam, heating, or cooling consumed by Swire Properties.
      Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur along Swire Properties’ value chains including both upstream and downstream emissions. Source:
      14Compared to the business-as-usual (“BAU”) baseline year of 2008 for our Hong Kong portfolio and the first BAU baseline year for which a complete calendar year of data was available for projects in our Mainland China portfolio.
      15Energy consumption refers to purchased electricity for the provision of shared services for and in the common parts of our buildings when compared to the BAU baseline year of 2008 for our Hong Kong portfolio, and teh first BAU baseline year for which a complete calendar year of data was available for projects in our Mainland China portfolio.
      16Our Hong Kong portfolio refers to our office and retail portfolios and hotels in Hong Kong. The electricity consumption reduction target for our Hong Kong portfolio has been increased (i.e. made more stringent) on several occasions: from 40 million kWh in 2012 to 54 million kWh in 2013 and to 64 million kWh in 2015.
      17Compared to the first BAU baseline year for which a complete calendar year of data was available for each project.
      18The waste diversion rate from landfill for Mainland China projects under development is calculated in accordance with LEED requirements. Flexibility will be allowed for projects not wholly owned by the Company, and for projects with major contractor(s) already on board.
      19Compared to the baseline year of 2016.
      20BEAM Plus/LEED/China Green Building Design Label/WELL Certification.
      21Projects under development refers to projects that are under construction or in the precertification stage. It does not include joint venture projects.

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