Monitoring-based Commissioning of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Systems to Optimise Building Operation
One Island East
Implementation of Cloud-based Smart Energy Management Platforms to Track and Optimise Energy Consumption
Pacific Place
One Pacific Place, Two Pacific Place, Pacific Place mall
Taikoo Place
Cambridge House, Devon House, Dorset House, and PCCW Tower
HKRI Taikoo Hui
Retro-commissioning of HVAC Systems and Energy Audits to Improve Heating and Cooling Efficiency
EAST, Beijing
The Temple House
Upgrading of HVAC Air Handling Units; Replacement of Conventional Fans with Electronically-commutated Motor Plug Fans to Increase Efficiency and Reliability
One and Two Pacific Place – Completed a retrofit of approximately 100 conventional fans (estimated annual energy savings of 600,000 kWh)
Taikoo Place – Devon House, Dorset House and PCCW Tower – Completed a retrofit of approximately 50 conventional fans (estimated annual energy savings of 400,000 kWh)
Taikoo Hui (estimated annual energy savings of 200,000 kWh)
INDIGO (estimated annual energy savings of 650,000 kWh)
Installation of High-efficiency Oil-free Magnetic Bearing Chillers that Use Less Energy and Eliminate Handling and Disposal of Lubricating Oil and Oil Filters
Three Pacific Place (estimated annual energy savings of 479,000 kWh)
The Opposite House (estimated annual energy savings of 200,000 kWh)
Installation of High-efficiency Chillers Containing Non-ozone-depleting Refrigerants
Citygate Outlets – three chillers installed (estimated annual energy savings of 1,295,000 kWh)
Installation of Variable Speed Drive Condensing Water Pumps
Taikoo Hui (estimated annual energy savings of 200,000 kWh)
INDIGO (estimated annual energy savings of 990,000 kWh)
Installation of a Biodiesel Tri-generation and Adsorption Chiller to Supply Combined Heating, Cooling and Power Generation and a Combined Green Roof and Solar Photovoltaic (“PV”) System
One Taikoo Place (estimated to contribute renewable energy equivalent to 4% of the total landlord’s building energy)
Installation of Solar PV Panels
One Taikoo Place
Taikoo Li Sanlitun
Replacement of Lighting with Energy-efficient Light Emitting Diodes to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Cooling Loads
The Upper House (estimated annual energy savings of 117,000 kWh)
Cityplaza One (estimated annual energy savings of 15,000 kWh)
EAST, Hong Kong (estimated annual energy savings of 313,000 kWh)
INDIGO (estimated annual energy savings of 159,000 kWh)
Taikoo Hui (estimated annual energy savings of 85,000 kWh)
Replacement of Split-type Air-conditioning Units with New Models Containing Non-ozone-depleting Refrigerants
Cityplaza – replacements are ongoing
Installation of Air Curtains at Building Entrances to Maintain Indoor Temperatures
Electricity consumption by tenants accounts for approximately 50 to 60% of our total building energy consumption. We work closely and continuously with our tenants to help them reduce their electricity use, for example, by conducting free energy audits.