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Since 2011, we have worked with Tsinghua University through the Joint Research Centre for Building Energy Efficiency and Sustainability to develop and test new methods for increasing energy efficiency and improving environmental performance in our projects. This collaboration continues to generate substantial energy savings and allows us to share new ideas and practices with our employees, business partners, industry peers and other researchers.

In May 2019, we extended our partnership for another three years. Together, both teams will work to push the boundaries of traditional building management by developing new artificial intelligence technologies, improving IAQ control measures, increasing the generation and use of renewable energy, and other measures to make our portfolios even more energy efficient and sustainable.

In 2019, highlights of our partnership included:

  • energy consumption reductions resulting from operational improvements in HKRI Taikoo Hui;
  • retro-commissioning of HVAC systems at Taikoo Place (One Island East, Dorset House and PCCW Tower), Cityplaza and HKRI Taikoo Hui; and
  • energy audits and identification of energy management opportunities at The Temple House and EAST, Beijing.

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