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GRI 303
HKEX Aspect A2, KPI A2.4, A3.1

We monitor water consumption in our buildings and utilise water saving mechanisms such as water meters, water flow restrictors, automatic taps and automatic flush water basins and urinals. We encourage our employees and tenants to save water. Our tenants are also encouraged to have in place internal guidelines on fresh and flushing water to help us comply with enhancements to the Hong Kong government’s voluntary “Quality Water Supply Scheme for Buildings”.

We aim to manage water risk and reduce overall water consumption under the Water focus area. The relevant SDG is:

SDG 12
SDG 12
Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Water Policy

In 2019, we established a new Water Policy which focuses on reducing our water consumption intensity. Pursuant to this policy, we aim to design and implement efficient water management measures across our operations and encourage our employees and tenants to consume water responsibly, among other action items.

Water Recycling

Several of our properties have grey water treatment and recycling systems in place. INDIGO’s system collects and treats wastewater and rainwater for toilet flushing and plant irrigation. INDIGO is also planning to build a sewage water recycling system that can substantially reduce the amount of pollutants in wastewater before being discharged into municipal drains. The system will also save an estimated 85,000 tonnes of water annually.

One Taikoo Place also has a rainwater collection system which collects recycled rainwater for irrigating the gardens and green spaces at Taikoo Square and One Taikoo Place.

Sustainable Bathrooms at Taikoo Hui

At Taikoo Hui in Guangzhou, we retrofitted the bathrooms to introduce a variety of features which aim to reduce water consumption:

  • Waterless urinals equipped with special filtration systems to eliminate odour.
  • New low-flush toilets that reduce the volume of flushing water from 7 litres per flush to 4.8 litres per flush.
  • Bathroom faucets are equipped with integrated, energy efficient hand dryers, eliminating paper use.
  • Projected overall water savings: around 1,969 m3 per year.

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