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Monitoring-based Commissioning of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Systems to Optimise Building Operation
- One Island East
- 28 Hennessy Road
- Three Pacific Place
Implementation of Cloud-based Smart Energy Management Platforms to Track and Optimise Energy Consumption
- Pacific Place
- Cityplaza
- Taikoo Hui
Retro-commissioning of HVAC Systems and Energy Audits to Improve Heating and Cooling Efficiency
- Cityplaza
- EAST Beijing
- HKRI Taikoo Hui
- The Temple House
Upgrading of HVAC Air Handling Units; Replacement of Conventional Fans with Electronically-commutated Motor Plug Fans to Increase Efficiency and Reliability
- Pacific Place Mall – Completed a retrofit of 7 conventional fans
(estimated annual energy savings: 50,000 kWh) - Taikoo Place – Devon House, Dorset House and PCCW Tower – completed a retrofit of 39 conventional fans
(estimated annual energy savings: 460,000 kWh) - Taikoo Hui
(estimated annual energy savings: 120,000 kWh) - INDIGO
(estimated annual energy savings: 650,000kWh)
Carpark Ventilation Upgrade to Electronically Commutated Motor Plug Fans to Increase Efficiency and Reliability
- Pacific Place Carpark
(estimated annual energy savings: 500,000 kWh, to be realised in the next two years)
Installation of High-efficiency Oil-free Magnetic Bearing Chillers that Use Less Energy and Eliminate Handling and Disposal of Lubricating Oil and Oil Filters
- Taikoo Li Sanlitun
(estimated annual energy savings: 3,000,000 kWh to be realised in the next four years)
Installation of Automatic Tube Cleaning System to Ensure Efficient Heat Transfer in Chillers
- Devon House and Cambridge House
(estimated annual energy savings: 106,000 kWh)
Installation of High-efficiency Chillers Containing Non-ozone-depleting Refrigerants
- Cityplaza
(estimated annual energy savings: 210,000 kWh)
Installation of Variable Speed Drive Condensing Water Pumps
- Two Pacific Place and Pacific Place Mall
(estimated annual energy savings: 524,000 kWh) - HKRI Taikoo Hui
(estimated annual energy savings: 740,000 kWh) - INDIGO
(estimated annual energy savings: 990,000 kWh)
Replacement of Lighting with Energy-efficient Light Emitting Diodes to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Cooling Loads
- Cityplaza Mall
(estimated annual energy savings: 14,000 kWh) - Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu
(estimated annual energy savings: 220,000 kWh) - EAST Hong Kong
(estimated annual energy savings: 63,000 kWh) - The Temple House
(estimated annual energy savings: 47,000 kWh)
Replacement of Split-type Air-conditioning Units with New Models Containing Non-ozone-depleting Refrigerants
- Cityplaza – replacements are ongoing
Lift Modernization
- One Pacific Place and Two Pacific Place
(estimated annual energy savings: 292,000 kWh)
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