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Energy-saving Strategies

GRI 302
HKEX KPI A1.5, A2.3, A3.1

We strive to continually reduce the consumption of energy in our Hong Kong and Chinese mainland portfolios and in our hotel operations. In 2020, we used a variety of technologies and strategies to achieve this objective.

Our tenants' electricity consumption accounts for approximately 50 to 60% of our total building energy consumption. We work closely and continuously with our tenants to help them reduce their electricity use, for example, by conducting free energy audits to identify opportunities for improvement.

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Monitoring-based Commissioning of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (“HVAC”) Systems to Optimise Building Operation

  • One Island East
  • 28 Hennessy Road
  • Three Pacific Place

Implementation of Cloud-based Smart Energy Management Platforms to Track and Optimise Energy Consumption

  • Pacific Place
  • Cityplaza
  • Taikoo Hui

Retro-commissioning of HVAC Systems and Energy Audits to Improve Heating and Cooling Efficiency

  • Cityplaza
  • EAST Beijing
  • HKRI Taikoo Hui
  • The Temple House

Upgrading of HVAC Air Handling Units; Replacement of Conventional Fans with Electronically-commutated Motor Plug Fans to Increase Efficiency and Reliability

  • Pacific Place Mall – Completed a retrofit of 7 conventional fans
    (estimated annual energy savings: 50,000 kWh)
  • Taikoo Place – Devon House, Dorset House and PCCW Tower – completed a retrofit of 39 conventional fans
    (estimated annual energy savings: 460,000 kWh)
  • Taikoo Hui
    (estimated annual energy savings: 120,000 kWh)
    (estimated annual energy savings: 650,000kWh)

Carpark Ventilation Upgrade to Electronically Commutated Motor Plug Fans to Increase Efficiency and Reliability

  • Pacific Place Carpark
    (estimated annual energy savings: 500,000 kWh, to be realised in the next two years)

Installation of High-efficiency Oil-free Magnetic Bearing Chillers that Use Less Energy and Eliminate Handling and Disposal of Lubricating Oil and Oil Filters

  • Taikoo Li Sanlitun
    (estimated annual energy savings: 3,000,000 kWh to be realised in the next four years)

Installation of Automatic Tube Cleaning System to Ensure Efficient Heat Transfer in Chillers

  • Devon House and Cambridge House
    (estimated annual energy savings: 106,000 kWh)

Installation of High-efficiency Chillers Containing Non-ozone-depleting Refrigerants

  • Cityplaza
    (estimated annual energy savings: 210,000 kWh)

Installation of Variable Speed Drive Condensing Water Pumps

  • Two Pacific Place and Pacific Place Mall
    (estimated annual energy savings: 524,000 kWh)
  • HKRI Taikoo Hui
    (estimated annual energy savings: 740,000 kWh)
    (estimated annual energy savings: 990,000 kWh)

Replacement of Lighting with Energy-efficient Light Emitting Diodes to Improve Efficiency and Reduce Cooling Loads

  • Cityplaza Mall
    (estimated annual energy savings: 14,000 kWh)
  • Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu
    (estimated annual energy savings: 220,000 kWh)
  • EAST Hong Kong
    (estimated annual energy savings: 63,000 kWh)
  • The Temple House
    (estimated annual energy savings: 47,000 kWh)

Replacement of Split-type Air-conditioning Units with New Models Containing Non-ozone-depleting Refrigerants

  • Cityplaza – replacements are ongoing

Lift Modernization

  • One Pacific Place and Two Pacific Place
    (estimated annual energy savings: 292,000 kWh)
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Continuing Our Collaboration With Tsinghua University

We work with Tsinghua University to develop and test new methods to increase energy efficiency and improve environmental performance in our projects.

Transforming Building Operations through the Neuron Platform

This collaboration between Swire Properties and engineering firm Arup aiming to transform building operations at One Taikoo Place was awarded Silver at the 2019 Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards.

Renewable Energy

In 2020, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu became powered by 100% renewable electricity, achieving “net zero carbon” in annual electricity consumption for landlord and tenant operations.

Continuing Our Collaboration With Tsinghua University

We work with Tsinghua University to develop and test new methods to increase energy efficiency and improve environmental performance in our projects.

Transforming Building Operations through the Neuron Platform

This collaboration between Swire Properties and engineering firm Arup aiming to transform building operations at One Taikoo Place was awarded Silver at the 2019 Hong Kong Green Innovations Awards.

Renewable Energy

In 2020, Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu became powered by 100% renewable electricity, achieving “net zero carbon” in annual electricity consumption for landlord and tenant operations.