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2020 |
Reporting Boundary:
Our Hong Kong portfolio, Chinese mainland portfolio and U.S.A. portfolio refers to office and retail portfolio in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Miami, U.S.A. respectively, excluding hotels.
Hotels refer to Swire Hotels, serviced apartments and Swire Restaurants in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Miami, U.S.A.
R -
Denotes sustainability data that has been reported on by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Please refer to the Independent Limited Assurance Report for further details.
Data on permanent and fixed term/temporary employment contract are reported since 2017 in accordance with the GRI General Disclosure 102-8.
Total new hires applies to permanent employees only. New hires rate is calculated as "total number of new hires (permanent employees) in the reporting year dividied by total number of permanent employees as of 31 Dec of the reporting year and then multiplied by 100%".
Voluntary turnover applies to permanent employees only. Voluntary turnover rate is calculated as "total number of permanent employees voluntarily leaving employment during the reporting year divided by total number of permanent employees as of 31 Dec of the reporting year and the nmutliplied by 100%".
Return to work rate is calculated as "total number of employees who did return to work after parental leave divided by the total number of employees due to return to work after taking parental leave and then multiplied by 100%".
Lost time injury rate ("LTIR") represents the number of injuries per 100 employees per year. It is calculate as "total number of injuries muliplied by 200,000 and then dividied by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Rate of high-consequence injuries represents the number of high-consequence injuries per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as "total number of high-consequence injuries muliplied by 200,000 and then dividied by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Lost day rate ("LDR") represents the number of lost scheduled working days per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as "total days lost multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by total hours worked." The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Absentee rate is calculated as number of actual days lost divided by number of scheduled work days in the reporting year.
Rate of fatalities represents the number of fatalities per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as "total number of fatalities multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Calculated based on percentage of employees.
Included Hong Kong secondees working in Singapore and Jakarta.
Included Hong Kong secondees working in Singapore, Jakarta and U.S.A.
Excluded EAST Miami employees.
Included training received in the past three years.
Total | ||
2020 |
Reporting Boundary:
Our Hong Kong portfolio, Chinese mainland portfolio and U.S.A. portfolio refers to office and retail portfolio in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Miami, U.S.A. respectively, excluding hotels.
Hotels refer to Swire Hotels, serviced apartments and Swire Restaurants in Hong Kong, the Chinese mainland and Miami, U.S.A.
R -
Denotes sustainability data that has been reported on by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. Please refer to the Independent Limited Assurance Report for further details.
Data on permanent and fixed term/temporary employment contract are reported since 2017 in accordance with the GRI General Disclosure 102-8.
Total new hires applies to permanent employees only. New hires rate is calculated as "total number of new hires (permanent employees) in the reporting year dividied by total number of permanent employees as of 31 Dec of the reporting year and then multiplied by 100%".
Voluntary turnover applies to permanent employees only. Voluntary turnover rate is calculated as "total number of permanent employees voluntarily leaving employment during the reporting year divided by total number of permanent employees as of 31 Dec of the reporting year and the nmutliplied by 100%".
Return to work rate is calculated as "total number of employees who did return to work after parental leave divided by the total number of employees due to return to work after taking parental leave and then multiplied by 100%".
Lost time injury rate ("LTIR") represents the number of injuries per 100 employees per year. It is calculate as "total number of injuries muliplied by 200,000 and then dividied by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Rate of high-consequence injuries represents the number of high-consequence injuries per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as "total number of high-consequence injuries muliplied by 200,000 and then dividied by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Lost day rate ("LDR") represents the number of lost scheduled working days per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as "total days lost multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by total hours worked." The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Absentee rate is calculated as number of actual days lost divided by number of scheduled work days in the reporting year.
Rate of fatalities represents the number of fatalities per 100 employees per year. It is calculated as "total number of fatalities multiplied by 200,000 and then divided by total hours worked". The factor 200,000 is the annual hours worked by 100 employees, based on 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year.
Calculated based on percentage of employees.
Included Hong Kong secondees working in Singapore and Jakarta.
Included Hong Kong secondees working in Singapore, Jakarta and U.S.A.
Excluded EAST Miami employees.
Included training received in the past three years.