Swire Properties embraces Diversity and Inclusion (“D&I”) and understands the importance of a diverse workforce to our business success. In 2023, we continued our work to build an inclusive and supportive working environment through policies, engagement and education.
The relevant SDGs are:
Achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls.
SDG 10
Reducing inequalities within and among countries.
Our commitment to promoting diversity in the workplace is documented in our Corporate Code of Conduct and our Equal Opportunities Policy, both of which are communicated to employees through our employee handbook. Additionally, the Swire Pacific Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee formulates policies and provides guidelines to promote a diverse workforce and an inclusive working environment across the Swire Group.
In 2021, Swire Properties became a corporate member of CareER, an NGO that provides career development opportunities to persons with disabilities and special educational needs. We also began participating in the CareER Disability Inclusion Index, a comprehensive and localised assessment tool that evaluates a company’s performance in terms of disability inclusion in its operations and services.
This year, we continued to disclose against the 2023 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (“GEI”), which acknowledges the Company’s commitment to achieving gender equality – a process that we began in 2022. We also increased our efforts to promote D&I throughout the Company.
IBED Assessment 2023
This year, we conducted our first Inclusion, Belonging, Equity and Diversity (“IBED”) assessment across the Company. Its purpose was to assess the maturity of inclusion, belonging, equity and diversity, identify key strengths and gaps in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, predict risks that may arise from these gaps, and propose steps and a roadmap to enhance maturity and reduce risks.
The assessment involved interviews, focus groups, assessing talent management policies, practices and processes. Findings were analysed in both Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, from which an IBED roadmap is being developed. We anticipate this assessment to be completed by March 2024.
D&I Policy
Our D&I Policy reaffirms our commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive working environment for all our employees regardless of age, gender or gender reassignment, sex or sexual orientation, marital or family status, disability, race (including ethnic origin or nationality), and religious or political beliefs.
Our D&I Committee is chaired by our Director, Human Resources and reports to the Executive Committee (“EXCOM”) on a quarterly basis. The D&I Committee’s responsibilities include ensuring equal opportunities, advocating fair and bias-free processes for recruiting, developing and promoting our employees, and monitoring our success in achieving D&I in our workplaces. The D&I Committee also serves as a governing body to review grievances relating to discrimination.
As society evolves, so have the Company’s D&I practices. In 2021, to recognise our ever-more diverse workplace, we introduced new policies on respect in the workplace, staff grievances and parental leave. These new policies are helping to foster an inclusive and supportive working environment for all our people, creating an environment where people feel comfortable and able to reach their full potential. In turn, this produces a workplace without harassment and bullying, and in which proper procedures are in place to ensure that grievances and complaints are dealt with effectively, fairly and efficiently.
Respect in the Workplace Policy
Our Respect in the Workplace Policy aims to ensure that all our people are treated, and treat others, with dignity and respect. It outlines Swire Properties’ expectation that our people contribute to an environment of trust and respect and conduct themselves in a manner which is not offensive, or reasonably perceived by others to be offensive, and which takes due account of the diversity of others’ backgrounds, cultural values and beliefs. Behaviour which does not adhere to this policy will not be tolerated and will lead to disciplinary action being taken, up to and including dismissal.
Parental Leave Policy and Guidelines
Our Parental Leave Policy and Guidelines demonstrates Swire Properties’ commitment to supporting our employees when they start or grow their families, and our commitment to removing bias in the workplace. We recognise that there are many diverse types of family units, and we challenge the view that childcare is solely a female responsibility. Ultimately, we want our people to pursue fulfilling and successful careers while raising children. Providing appropriate levels of parental leave is key to this aim. The policy recognises all parents regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, how they became parents (whether by natural birth, surrogacy or adoption), and the nature or existence of a family unit.
Apart from parental leave, we offer our Chinese Mainland employees 5 to 10 days paid care leave for them to take care of their child.
Female Representation in the Workforce
(As at 31 December 2023)
female representation on the workforce
Percentage of Senior Management Positions Held by Women
(As at 31 December 2023)
of senior management positions held by women
2023 Gender Pay Ratio
1 : 0.92
(female to male)
2023 Chief Executive Pay to Employee Pay Ratio
26.6 : 1*
*Calculated as the ratio between the total annual compensation of the Chief Executive and the mean employee compensation
Flexible Working Policy Initiative
Our Flexible Working Policy was launched in 2019. We introduced the Staggered Working Hours initiative to allow employees to arrive or leave the office at flexible times provided they are present during specified core working hours. Employees can balance their work with their personal commitments, helping advance our goal of building a more people-centric workplace culture. We believe that staggered working hours empower our employees to be more creative and productive.
COVID-19 has triggered organisations to rethink work arrangements and the wellbeing of its employees. Swire Properties introduced the Remote Working Policy in 2022 to provide our employees with more flexibility when performing their work duties.
We also launched the Sabbatical Leave Policy in 2020. Sabbaticals allow an employee an extended period away from work, during which time they may recharge themselves, adjust to any life transitions, dedicate time to family matters, or develop their skillsets in various areas. Although this is unpaid leave, employees on sabbatical still enjoy selected staff benefits such as annual leave, medical, training and the use of recreation facilities.
We also employ a variety of other working alternatives across our offices. These were initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic and include distributed work, working from home and telecommuting arrangements. These policies vary according to need and geography.
Board Diversity
Our Board Diversity Policy recognises the value of diversity in the composition of our Board and endorses the principle that our Board should cultivate a balance of skills and experience as well as a diversity of perspectives that are aligned with our business.
In 2023, we revised this policy to provide enhanced disclosure on policy ownership. The Nomination Committee was given the responsibility for implementing and monitoring this policy. We also introduced board diversity targets to help monitor implementation. These targets will guide us as we develop strategies to improve diversity across our Board. Our performance against these targets will be published in the Company’s annual reports and sustainability reports.
We are committed to maintaining at least 30% female representation on the Board. At the end of 2023, 35.7% of Board positions were held by women.
Board Diversity
(As at 31 December 2023)
By gender
64% Male 36% Female
By age group
36% 30 to 50 years old 64% Over 50 years old
30 to 50 years old
Over 50 years old
By local/non-local status
57% Local 43% Non-local
By tenure
36% 3 years or below 36% 4 to 9 years 28% Over 9 years
A special edition of the Chief Executive’s Vlog featured our CE Tim Blackburn and colleagues from across Swire Properties sharing their insights on the topic of diversity and their first-hand experiences at the Company. The Vlog heard from the CE, a director, administration staff and hotel workers and servers, each of whom shared their unique perspective on being part of the Company’s “big family”. In Mr Blackburn’s words, “I think it’s very important that we work with people from different backgrounds, different ages and different cultures, because that represents the community we’re trying to serve, ultimately.”
Swire Properties Recognised as Top 10 Company in Hong Kong for Gender Equality by Equileap
Swire Properties was recognised by Equileap as top ten companies in Hong Kong for gender equality in its 2023 Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking publication. The Company was named as being among the 2% of Hong Kong companies that “provide adequate secondary carer leave to employees” and received recognition for our initiatives, such as the provision of four weeks paid leave to secondary carers of all genders, demonstrating our commitment to creating an inclusive, respectful, and supportive working environment.
Pride Month across Swire Properties
Pride Month Events in Hong Kong
We offered a wide-range of activities for Pride Month – fun and educational events to celebrate Pride and raise awareness on our LGBTQ+ community.
Pride Stories: “The Truth of Transgender Individuals in Hong Kong”
The event hosted a panel discussion with transgender individuals and local NGOs. The event helped raise awareness about gender identity and provided a platform for colleagues to learn from the personal experiences of individuals.
Pride Happy Hour
This lively and entertaining evening featured cocktails, canapés and a fabulous drag show performance by the “Dance Diva of Hong Kong”.
Pride Stories: “Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth in Their Journey of Self-discovery”
The event hosted a panel discussion with a local university student and a social worker. It explored their inspiring stories and gave the audience insights on how to support LGBTQ+ youth as they work towards self-discovery and acceptance.
5km Pride Road Race
To celebrate Pride through sports, we organised a 5km Pride Road Race. The race started from One Island East, with the route winding along the Hong Kong waterfront. Participants had fun, kept fit, and enjoyed the drinks and fun prizes waiting at the finish line. The race winner finished in 18.5 minutes.
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Pride Month in Miami
For Pride Month in June, Brickell City Centre hosted the “Beyond the Rainbow” programme, a month-long series of events to honour the LGBTQ+ community. The initiative featured activities that celebrated identity, fostered connection through poetry and storytelling, and raised a toast to the spirit of Pride through engaging cocktail-making classes every weekend. More than 1,500 people attended the events.
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Celebrating Black History Month
February is Black History Month, and to demonstrate Brickell City Centre’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion while supporting the community, the Centre partnered with the South Florida People of Color organisation to present the second annual “Diversity of the African Diaspora” celebration. Held on 19 February to honour Black musicians and artists and host educationally driven dialogues, this was a celebration of Black culture through performance art, jazz, poetry readings, and live music attended by more than 2,000 people and generated 58,000 impressions on social media.
In addition, the Centre partnered with a cultural centre and Cuban ballet organisation to present an enriching performing arts programme called “Herencia” to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month; and with a number of organisations and a museum to celebrate Pride through “Beyond the Rainbow”, a host of activities which brought together over 1,500 people.
In collaboration with a Florida-based start-up that turns textiles in sellable second-hand goods, Brickell City Centre arranged a collection bin which has collected 483 pounds of textiles and shoes to be recycled. The Centre also collected 1,500 books at the Reverse Book Fair, which were donated to public schools and underprivileged families in Miami.
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Social Inclusion
EAST Hong Kong x JCSRS: Creating Workplaces that Celebrate Diversity
EAST Hong Kong collaborated again this year with Jockey Club Sarah Roe School (“JCSRS”) on a special student vocational training and work experience programme in 2023 – the seventh year of this successful partnership.
Beginning in March, four students with special learning needs joined the hotel as team members for one day a week. Every Wednesday, under the guidance of our team members and accompanied by two supporting coaches, these students worked in the hotel lobby, the kitchen of FEAST and the linen room. Two students from last year re-joined the programme.
Through partnerships with special education institutions like JCSRS, Swire Properties offers real-life working experiences to students, reinforcing our belief that every individual deserves equal opportunities to thrive.
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The Upper House x HKDSA’s UPSTAIRS Programme
Since 2018, The Upper House hotel has collaborated with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association (“HKDSA”) on the UPSTAIRS programme, providing trainees with a month-long practical, hands-on training experience at the hotel.
The 2023 programme started in July, with nine trainees attending departmental workshops before beginning their one-month placements in different departments: Steward, Restaurant and Bar, Kitchen, Guest Experience and Housekeeping. They each completed 11 hours of training, and their graduation in late August brought the total number of programme graduates since 2018 to 38.
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Empowering Women – Taikoo WIN 2023
The Taikoo Women’s Inspire Network (“Taikoo WIN”) is a business network established by Swire Properties and two of our Taikoo Place tenants, aiming to create a community in support of women working for professional firms and companies based in the Taikoo Place area.
The highly successful Taikoo WIN programme returned once again in 2023 with several events. The group held a “speed networking” event, where members reconnected with each other and met new members; organised a mentorship programme focusing on emerging female leaders, particularly those with management experience who hope to progress to a leadership position; and hosted a panel discussion titled, “From Setbacks to Comebacks”, that explored the transformative power of failure and resilience in overcoming challenges to achieving greatness.
Social Inclusion