Frontline Leadership Programmes

Description of the programme
To help sustaining the learning at workplace, a strategic Frontline Leadership Programmes have been developed and implemented for all customer services function leaders since 2020, supported by Building Management Team Leadership Excellence Programme and Technical Services Supervisory Excellence Programme. These modular programmes last for 8 months to 10 months respectively. The objectives are to further polish the management and leadership knowledge and skills and project management for our frontline supervisory staff. Through the programme, they will be able to coach the team members (such as Building Supervisor, Customers Service Officer, Technician, Concierge and Ice Rink Supervisor) timely and appropriately. The training modules include Change Leadership, Leading through Working as a Team, Inspiring Talk on Real Estate, Effective Leaders Motivate Others, Coaching for Success and Influencing through Storytelling. The participants learnt how to adopt different leadership styles to different team members, understand the essence of motivation skills, able to apply coaching leadership at workplace and how to foster a culture of appreciation to encourage frontline team members to continuously provide exceptional customer experience and go extra miles in providing customer service.
Business benefits of the programme
  1. Polish the leadership and management knowledge and skills for our frontline supervisory staff
  2. Increase employee engagement, retention and job satisfaction
  3. Better customer service driven by better leadership from supervisor
  4. Increase customer satisfaction, attract more customers to visit and spend in our malls, resulting in increase in retail sales
Quantitative impact of business benefits
We have adopted two different approaches to measure the business benefits: (1) We observed there is an increase of the Mystery Shopping Assessment average score and an increase in the performance scores on our customer services. Increase in rental income and retail sales in office and retail portfolio from better customers satisfaction on service quality - retail sales in 2023 increased by 44% at Pacific Place, by 6% at Cityplaza and by 43% at Citygate from 2022, average of a 31% growth. (2) Considering the Level 4 of the Kirkpatrick Model, total 47.8% of the participants of the Programme were promoted during these 3.5 years as compared that with the company average of 23% of the same segment of staff. In terms of attrition rate, only 5% attrition rate among the programme participants in the past 3.5 years as compared that with the company average of 16% of the same segment of staff.
% of FTEs participating in the programme

Achieving Excellence Programme and Professional Managers’ Programme

Description of the programme
Swire Properties implements two leadership development programmes, namely “Achieving Excellence Programme” and “Professional Managers’ Programme” for selected office employees, with an aim to develop their careers and facilitate them to integrate sustainability principles and practices into our business. Through 9 workshops in a year and other activities such as leadership touchpoints, cross-functional team fertilization / sharing, action learning, etc., the programmes covered a wide range of management skills, from creative problem solving, foster teamwork, influencing and coaching skills to strategies for working effectively with different types of people and approaches to managing business change with flexibility and creativity. Participants will also receive mentorship from senior executives on an one-to-one basis.
Business benefits of the programme
  1. Increase work productivity of employees
  2. Increase employee engagement and retention
  3. Develop employees’ leadership skills
  4. Nurture future leaders and prepare employees for future growth and career progression
Quantitative impact of business benefits
We have adopted the “Kirkpatrick Model: Level 4 Results” methodology, we identified that 62.3% of the participants have been promoted to a more senior position after they joined the programme since 2015 with 4 intake of the programme. For staff retention, the turnover rate for programme participants is 7.8%, which is significantly lower than the company average of 19% for Hong Kong-based staff in the same job categories in 2023. Under the "Kirkpatrick Model: Level 3 Behaviour" framework, we organized 9 training programme for Achieving Excellence Programme and Professional Managers’ Programme with 154 participant responses. The evaluation data indicates that participants found the programme content to be practical and applicable to their jobs, with an average score of 4.37 out of 5, compared to the company-above the wide average across 688 training programme responses. Participants also provided positive feedback that there were enough hands-on practices and activities that were useful and appropriate to enhance their productivity and quality of works, with an average score of 4.39 out of 5, higher than the company-wide average.
% of FTEs participating in the programme